Sunday, September 28, 2008
40 Days for Life Kickoff Rally Audio Now Online
Click here for the stirring testimonies from Silent No More's Jane Frantz and keynote speaker Michael Clancy.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
It Begins: 40 Days for Life's first week brings successes, challenges
We are now four days into this fall's 40 Days for Life vigil. And already this effort is bearing great fruit in Madison and around the country.
Yesterday morning, National 40 Days for Life Campaign Director David Bereit confirmed that the lives of seven babies have already been saved. Locally, you've reported numerous stories of parents who have lost children to abortion seeking healing. The Holy Spirit is doing great deeds.
In every era, it seems, there is a great moral battle to be fought. Slavery. Racism. Genocide. Atrocities that baffle the mind and sadden the heart. But in each age, our merciful God has equipped ordinary men and women with the courage, the fortitude and the faith to stare down the power of Hell and put a stop to evil.
My friends, we stand before one of the greatest moral scourges to ever plague humanity: innocent children being put to death by the thousands. Abortion is ingrained in our culture. It's ingrained in our laws. It's even ingrained in our communities as Planned Parenthood kills in the middle of a residential East Side neighborhood while children laugh and play.
And so we pray. As desperate women enter the abortion center, we pray. As day gives way to the dark of night and the streets fall eerily silent, we pray. As rain falls like the tears of the unborn, we pray.
This journey upon which we've set out is not an easy one. The insults and persecution remind us that the rulers of this world hate us and all that we stand for. The manipulation of words makes our peaceful vigil sound intimidating and violent.
But still, we pray. Because if just one life is saved or one broken heart mended, isn't it worth the time and the sacrifice we put into it?
Thank you for your prayers. You are truly doing the Lord's work. Let us look forward--God willing--to the day when the culture of death falls and Planned Parenthood stands only as a tragic reminder of man's capacity for cruelty to his fellow man.
God Bless You,
The 40 Days for Life Team
Week in Review:
- Get the latest 40 Days for Life updates on your cell phone
- Wisconsin records fewest number of abortions since 1974
- Many prayer time slots still need to be filled
- Kickoff Rally audio is now online
- Madison Catholic Herald covers Kickoff Rally
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Users of the popular social networking site Twitter can now easily track Madison's 40 Days for Life campaign by following the user 40DaysLifeMadsn. Daily updates include the current day's devotional, vigil updates, and any vital information that becomes available.
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Wisconsin records lowest number of abortions in more than 30 years
Still, there is much work to be done. More than 8,000 lives were lost to abortion in the state.
Just as troubling, Planned Parenthood continues to target African American babies at an alarming rate. Despite constituting just six percent of Wisconsin's population, the African American population accounted for nearly a quarter of the abortions performed in the state. Clearly, Planned Parenthood continues to embrace the genocidal goals upon which it was founded.
Click here to view the full report issued by the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services: Reported Induced Termination of Pregnancy in Wisconsin
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A Call to Action: Prayer Warriors Needed
We're now just a week away from 40 Days for Life Vigil Madison.
As the start draws nearer, we are in great need of folks to sign up for shifts to pray outside Planned Parenthood. We still need dozens of hours to be filled the first week alone.
So whether you haven't gotten around to taking some slots, or you haven't yet decided whether you'll be joining us this fall, let this be a call to arms. Or perhaps more accurately, a call to knees.
Please visit and take a shift or two the last week in September.
Additionally, the vigil will open on Wednesday, September 24 with a candlelight vigil. Please bring your own candles.
And please, continue to pray for the success of 40 Days for Life and--most importantly--an end to this hidden holocaust.
God Bless,
The 40 Days for Life Team
Saturday, September 13, 2008
40 Days for Life Kickoff Features Vibrant Music, Powerful Speakers

Despite ugly weather, the pavilion at Reindahl Park on the East Side was packed with pro-lifers eager to share food, fun and fellowship before this fall's vigil begins on September 24. Jack Koczela got the day started with an hour of praise and worship music as the crowd gathered. Koczela was followed by nationally renowned Christian recording artist Aaron Thompson, whose rousing set ramped up the festivities.
After lunch, Jane Frantz of Silent No More gave a powerful testimony on her road to recovery as a post-abortive woman. Eighteen years after undergoing an abortion, Frantz's direct encounter with the Holy Spirit led her to seek healing. Not just for herself, but for post-abortive women across the nation.
Photojournalist Michael Clancy delivered the keynote address. His emotional talk described his upbringing in an abusive household, his conversion to Christianity, and--just three months after his conversion--the picture he took that changed the world.
While photographing a groundbreaking in utero surgery in 1999, Clancy captured the hand of Samuel Armas reaching out of his mother's womb and grasping the doctor's finger. The controversial photograph was published around the world, leading to speculation that Clancy might win the Pulitzer Prize.
However, over the last decade, that spectacular image has proven to be a tremendous cross for Clancy to bear. The doctor who performed the surgery later claimed the picture was staged, calling it a "hoax." Clancy lost credibility among his peers.
Though the photograph has been a cross, it's one borne with love and with purpose. The previously pro-choice Clancy became an ardent pro-life activist, even though it meant losing his primary source of income when the Nashville Tennessean newspaper declined to hire him for future assignments. He hasn't been contracted to work as a newspaper photographer for years.
Clancy's work with the pro-life movement led him to the Capitol, where he testified before the Senate, and the White House, where he was present for the signing of the 2003 partial-birth abortion ban. Though he joked about the surprise of seeing "White House" on his caller ID, the pain in Clancy's heart was difficult to miss. His watery eyes and occasionally cracking voice betrayed the pain he carried. Here was a man who sacrificed his career, his passion, his disdain for public speaking and hopes for a normal life because God called him to stand up for the pre-born.
And stand up he has. Not a Christian a just a decade ago, Clancy has spent the last nine years doing the Lord's work.
The kickoff event also featured information booths and representatives from numerous pro-life organizations, including Pro-Life Wisconsin, CareNet, Pregnancy Help Line of Madison, and Our Lady of Hope clinic.
The rally ended with a somber prayer walk to Planned Parenthood, where the 40 Days for Life vigil will officially begin on September 24. To sign up for hours, visit or call Amy Hying at 608-698-3877.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Christian Recording Artist Aaron Thompson Joins 40 Days for Life Madison Kickoff Rally!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Reminder: 40 Days for Life Kickoff Rally to be Held on Saturday
Clancy made headlines in 1999 when he photographed a groundbreaking in utero spina bifida surgery on a baby, just 21 weeks past conception. The picture clearly depicts Samuel Armas’s fully formed hand extending out of his mother’s womb, a startling reminder of the humanity of pre-born life.
The moment so stunningly captured in the photograph proved to be a turning point in Clancy’s life. In an interview with National Right to Life News, he said “Before the picture, I felt that as a man I could never be pregnant and alone, so it wasn't for me to decide whether abortion was right or wrong. I was indifferent.”
The photograph, which Clancy calls the “earliest human interaction ever recorded,” spurred a dramatic change of heart. The photographer could no longer remain indifferent regarding abortion.
“As a journalist my job is to expose injustice and hope that that exposure will initiate social change,” Clancy wrote. “I have supported what I feel is a God-given mission to deliver the message [that] the in utero child is a reactive human…by continuing to freelance as a photojournalist.”
Clancy’s activism helped pass the 2003 law that banned partial birth abortion. The photograph was displayed on the Senate floor while the law was debated, and he was invited to the White House for its signing. Nevertheless, Clancy has faced his share of persecution for his efforts. Early last year the Tennessean newspaper, which had been Clancy’s main source of income as a freelance photographer for nearly a decade, informed him that the paper would no longer contract his services because he was openly pro-life.
Clancy’s photograph can be viewed at his personal Web site,
The 40 Days for Life Madison Kickoff Rally will feature music, a children’s bounce house and booths from pro-life organizations at 10:00. A free lunch will be served from 11:30 to 12:30. At 12:30, Jane Frantz of Silent No More Wisconsin is set to deliver testimony of her healing process as a post-abortive woman. She will be followed by Clancy. The rally will end with a solemn, prayerful march to Planned Parenthood, where participants can continue to pray for an end to abortion.
The 40 Days for Life vigil officially begins September 24 and runs through November 2. For details on participating or volunteering, visit or call Amy Hying at 608-698-3877.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
40 Days for Life Kickoff Rally to be Held September 13!
The kickoff will feature musical entertainment, free food, and pro-life speakers. Photojournalist and pro-life activist Michael Clancy will highlight the event with a 1:00 p.m. keynote address.
Clancy gained national fame in 1999 when he photographed an in utero surgery on Samuel Armas, just 21 weeks after conception. The photographs clearly show the pre-born child's fully-formed hand extended out of his mother's womb—a startling proof of the humanity of pre-born life.
Clancy will also be available to speak free of charge on Friday, September 12. Email if you know of any organization that would like to hear his life-affirming message. We look forward to seeing you at the kickoff and praying together this fall!
You can view the vigil hours that need coverage. (You may have already committed for some vigil hours, but may see that the hours are still in need of coverage.... that only means that we are waiting for a second prayer partner to sign up with you.)