Thursday, September 13, 2007

40 Days for Life in Aurora

For those interested in following the ongoing 40 Days for Life in Aurora, Jill Stanek has an excellent blog, following the vigil.

In her most recent blog, she quotes an email from Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards sent to her supporters.

Planned Parenthood is under attack.

To be absolutely clear: the largest anti-choice protest we've seen in a very long time is happening at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Aurora, Illinois, at this very moment.

It's easy to ignore if you don't live there or aren't a woman trying to seek health care services at the clinic. But I hope you won't ignore it, because what's happening in Aurora is what's happening to all of us who care about choice in America.

We are facing no less than the most emboldened protest by the most radical anti-choice people I've ever encountered. They've made our brand new health center in Aurora ground zero in their fight against women's access to health care. And they are determined to keep our clinic from ever opening.

If there was ever a time for us to ask for help from our pro-choice friends and family - this is it.

First, take a simple action that demonstrates how much support Planned Parenthood and the women we serve have from all over the country. Click here to tie a hot-pink ribbon at the clinic - one ribbon for every supporter.

Then, tell your circle of friends and family what's happening in Aurora and what it means for access to reproductive health care and choice for all of us.

If you know people in the Chicago area, encourage them to put up a lawn sign or volunteer.

The protesters are determined to stop us, it's true. But we're taking this battle into our own hands - and into YOUR own hands. We're determined to open this clinic any day now, and with more warmth, more strength, and more solidarity with our supporters across the country than ever before.

Thank you for doing your part today.


Cecile Richards
President, Planned Parenthood Federation of America

P.S. Thank you for your action today - if you can, we'd be grateful for your financial support as well. Any amount will help.

Planned Parenthood is taking 40 Days for Life very seriously. Their fear alone should be enough of an incentive to get involved here in Madison, or at any other of the 89 vigil sites for that matter.

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