Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ways to Help Stop the Abortions at the Madison Surgery Center

Here are additional ways you can help stop the bloodshed at the Madison Surgery Center:

1) Pray daily that this plan will fail: We are called to be a people of hope and prayer. Please ask our Lord to intervene and stop this madness. Pray that the staff members of the Madison Surgery Center have the courage to refuse to participate in any manner and pray for their protection.

2) Fill out and send patients’ letter refusing treatment at the Madison Surgery Center: If you live in the Madison or greater Madison area, please download the following letter that informs your physician that you refuse to be scheduled at the Madison Surgery Center for any surgery that you may need. Please mail/e-mail the completed letter to your physician and then mail/e-mail copies to the Madison Surgery Center, the UW Medical Foundation, the UW Hospital and Clinics, and Meriter Hospital. Email and street addresses are provided on the letter. Click here for the letter: http://www.prolifewisconsin.org/pdf/PatientsLetter.pdf

3) Strongly consider switching your insurance coverage away from the UW or Meriter: Understanding that it may be very difficult to extricate yourself from the UW or Meriter due to specific care needs or insurance requirements, we do ask you to prayerfully consider pulling out of these entities altogether.

4) Phone the Madison Surgery Center and Meriter Hospital and express your disgust with their decision: Please call the Madison Surgery Center at (608) 287-2200 and Meriter Hospital at (608) 417-6210.

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