The Catholic Herald has a lot of good articles this week about respect life month and 40 Days for Life. If you are able, please try to pick up a copy!
Here's their article on 40 Days for Life by Mary Uhler.
MADISON -- Thousands of people are praying for life on the doorsteps of Planned Parenthood facilities at 89 different locations in 33 states around the United States, including Madison.
They are joining in 40 Days for Life from September 26 to November 4. "This is the largest and longest simultaneous pro-life mobilization in American history," said David Bereit, national director of the campaign.
In an interview on his visit to the Madison vigil on September 27 and 28, Bereit explained how this campaign got started. Planned Parenthood built a clinic in College Station, Texas, where Bereit lived. A friend of his called and told him that 10 babies had been terminated at the clinic. "It hit me that I had to do something. The light went on."
He talked with his wife, Margaret, and two weeks later quit his job in the pharmaceutical industry. "God made it clear that I didn't have a choice in the matter. It's been a journey in faith but we wouldn't change a thing," he said.
Bereit became director of the Coaliton for Life in College Station, where he worked for four years. He encouraged people from 60 churches to stand and pray outside the local abortion clinic.
In the fall of 2004, he planned the first 40 Days for Life in College Station. It included prayer, fasting, and community outreach with volunteers visiting 25,000 households with pro-life literature.
"We saw a continual drop in abortions," he said, up to 28 percent the year of the 40-day vigil. "Planned Parenthood labeled us the most anti-choice place in America."
The 40 Days for Life spread to Dallas, then Green Bay, Wis., Houston, and other cities. "It is astounding how God has worked," said Bereit.
He encourages people to participate in the vigil. "Ultimately it falls on each of us. Our example speaks louder than words."
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