First off, we again thank all who came and contributed to the 40 Day prayer vigil outside of the Planned Parenthood in Madison, Wisconsin. While it is impossible to measure 'success' with a prayer vigil like this...we did want to post some of the many testimonies we received from people who came out to pray at Planned Parenthood during these 40 days.
Also, we will be gathering together to pray outside the East Side Planned Parenthood on the first Friday and first Saturday of each month, although the exact details have yet to be worked out. But if you are interested in getting involved, please contact Amy at 40DaysforLifeMadison@gmail.com and we will be certain to keep you updated on future prayer opportunities.
Here is what you had to say about 40 Days for Life:
I'm so glad about 40 Days for Life. Gives to my life peace. Thanks.
~ Cecilia
I am not a night owl and need my sleep. For some reason the midnight to 2 AM goes very fast and I am not even tired the next day. That's not normally me.
~ Joe
Meeting "new friends" from other Christian denominations, being united in prayer for life...AWESOME. Praying the Rosary with our beloved Bishop Morlino and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with our beloved Fr. Eric Sternberg.
~ Cyndy
If you can draw joy from a house of evil is meeting all the different people who have participated in prayers.
~ Joe
Waking up early (or staying up late for some of us) to go 40 days for life everyday, standing in the wind, being cussed out by passerby have been a mini bootcamp for us, the prayer warriors and soldiers of Christ. As prayers have torn down the wall of Jericho in Sacred Scripture and destroyed the communist regime in Russia in the recent past, our FAITH tells us that abortion will come to an end one day with prayer and penance. Moreover, HOPE tells us that the Truth will prevail and Christ will triumph in the end whereas LOVE compels us to keep praying and sacrificing until the culture of death comes to an end. With God's grace, this can be done.
~ Vincent
Nancy and I were encouraged by the number of young people who are enthusiastically involved in this effort. The thoughtful and powerful prayer that is ongoing is inspirational wherever we are.
We also prayed for the car filled with people that sped by late at night with one person yelling, "Get A Life!" We thought they almost had it right! We couldn't wait til they really understood!
Finally, we were amused by the skunk that sauntered up to the front door of Planned Parenthood about 2am one night, and proceeded to the bushes around the corner. We were praying that the skunk would find an appropriate time to make it's presence known!
~ Al
God has deepened my commitment to be totally pro-life in this experience. Spending concentrated time in prayer for the unborn and their parents is a moving experience. Last week, the empty baby stroller almost brought tears to my eyes. We have 10-month-old grandson who is often in such a stroller. And I can only imagine how many babies will never ride in a stroller because they lost their lives in the very building we are praying at. God have mercy.
~ Jerry
I have had the opportunity to meet several wonderful people at the vigil, and have been touched by their integrity, their steadfastness, their strong faith, their positive attitude, and their happiness. It has helped to restore my faith in humanity and re-assures me that goodness still thrives in our world.
~ Dave
I think the most awesome parts for me have been walking around praying Rosaries while sprinkling Blessed Salt and Holy Water, and the Midnight Vigil with the Bishop. It was so incredible being out with the Bishop and about a hundred other people (many of whom I knew) praying for life and sacrificing that time during which I would have rather been sleeping. When the idea was first brought up at school, there was some hesitation because it was a school night, but our Religion teacher pointed out that God always gives you extra grace when you stay up late in vigil. The day after was a Service Day for us and I was amazed as I realized that, not only did I not grow tired, but I actually had more energy then I'd had in quite some time and I truly was joyful as I preformed the tasks assigned to me.
~ Olivia
Perhaps not an "accomplishment," but rather some clarity of thought: my "shift" is Friday evening from 10:00 pm until 2:00 am Saturday morning. There's not much going on at that time - it's downright serene. The trees are beautiful; the landscaping is agreeable. And then the clarity: the Devil does not work with blunt instruments. The physical serenity of the environment is purposeful - to mask the atrocities that take place within the building.
~ Joe
I'd have to say the most positive thing I've found is a renewal in my faith of the youth of today. Whether it be those in their early 20's who have committed themselves to this prayer vigil.....I can think of so many other things that people in their early 20's could be doing on a Friday and Saturday night; or the families that bring their young children late at night that are so well behaved and know their prayers even better than I do. So often I fear that society's holding on to God's values will "die away" as the older generation passes on, but seeing the involvement of the youth in this vigil really restores my confidence in the retention of those values.
~ Curt
We had a wonderful experience praying for life. My wife, my 6 year old daughter and myself shared the praying of a rosary with a wonderful family from Lancaster - Rob and Tanya and their four children ranging in age from 1 to 6. It is an amazing experience to see God through a group like this.
All the people we have met have been wonderful and have exposed us to new and wonderful ways that God is working through his people.
~ David
The other day I received an email saying they needed someone from 8-9 in the morning. I talked my husband into going with me and when we got there we found a young mother with her little son, a young man that had already been there an hour but stayed until 9 and a senior citizen, we talked , prayed and sang songs together/ My husband and I were both so impressed especially with the young people.
During my times at Planned Parenthood I have only had one car of young gals yell at me.
~ Marian
The Holy Spirit puts words in my mouth.
I accidentally found out it's easy to get to the clinic and pray a Rosary in the morning before work. (I was hoping to see Bishop Morlino. Ha!)
~ Ardis
I am thankful for the blessing of unity as Catholics and non-catholics come together in a spirit of love to pray together for Life !
~ Gwen
The vigil is a spirit-filled experience for me. Some days it's a bit cold or wet but totally rewarding personally.
Interviewing two vigil participants the first week sticks in my mind as their thoughts and observations were so memorable and provided strong testament on Relevant Radio. Each time those announcements run on the station it brings e back to that day.
~ Jim
I had to young Ladies approach and say, "I want to know were I can obtain an adoption. They change their minds because they had supporters. Someone who can help them do what was right.
Thanks to everyone...
~ Don
What is amazing to me is to see so many people who have come forward to participate in this worthwhile cause. It is encouraging to see the dedication and love that we share for life and for the unborn babies. We are their voices and we have to say no to the culture of death. Praise be to God.
~ Kathy
Since participating in the 40 days vigil, I've spent more time praying for women who are pregnant and are not thinking of motherhood. I've felt a greater sense of who I am as a Catholic, and feel part of a greater community who loves God. I've also gained a greater sense of who I am and what I believe, and have been able to be more public about my beliefs in general. I am not afraid.
~ Laura
This experience has brought me in contact with some really wonderful people! Since I participate in the early morning hours before the clinic is open, I have time to pray and fellowship with my fellow prayer warriors! I've learned about the Knights of Divine Mercy and the Chesterton groups here in Madison and what Father Rick did < in Cross Plains> to ameliorate a place of ill repute out there. I'm also relearning the Divine Mercy Chaplet and praying that outside of my time in front of PP. My mom has entered the efforts in participating at the Appleton/Grand Chute location.
God is moving in spectacular ways and is heightening my awareness of all the brokenness in this world. May His mercy reign down on us always and forever and rally us all to continue praying and demonstrating our belief that His righteousness shall overcome the evil in this world.
~ Rebecca
It is AMAZING, and oh, so encouraging for me, to meet face to face my fellow prayer warriors. Often one feels out numbered and alone in this battle to save innocent lives. Because of this 40 day Vigil, I now realize I am numbered among God's LEGIONS of Angels and many brave souls who love Life.
~ Beth
My Brother Knights are telling me about meeting other Knights on the sidewalk from up-state Wisconsin.
~ Bob
While praying on a bright sunny Sunday afternoon at the Vigil, I looked up into the sky & 3 times I saw the clouds shaped liked a baby in the womb. Seemed appropriate to see those little babies floating over the abortion center.
~ Joanne
People come out and come together.
~ Jerel
A woman drove up to us and stopped to thank us and give us fresh drinking water. It was great to meet new people and share the experience of prayer with them!
~ Raye
God has introduced us to so many faithful Catholic and Christian friends through 40 Days for Life. If has given us new life in the spirit of following Jesus with many more companions along the way! Sometimes in our day to day life we feel that we are isolated and are only one of a very few people trying to remain faithful, but through this vigil we have encountered people of all different ages and backgrounds who are willing to stand up for the teachings of our faith. We have learned not to be afraid, like Jesus said, and to be a visible sign of his love to all from conception to old age--He loves us all and longs to gather all of us into his loving presence. It is truly an experience that has strengthened our faith and that gives us hope. What a blessing!
~ Peter & Paulette
Last week I was able to pray for a young lady who had brought her friend for her first appointment at Planned Parenthood. Her friend was pregnant and considering an abortion. The young lady I spoke to did not approve of abortion but wanted to be her friend. I asked her if I could pray for her friend and she said yes. So we prayed for her on the street. Then I asked if I could pray for her and she asked if I could pray that she would be able to convince her friend not to have an abortion. So we prayed together. Afterwards I encouraged her that interviews with post-abortive women have shown that if even one person had said they'd stand with them if they chose to have the baby that they would not have had an abortion. I hope this really encouraged her to stand by her friend.
~ Dave
For us it was an overwhelming realization of the horrific fact that abortions do occur at the Planned Parenthood clinic on Orin Street in Madison. It is a very non-descript clinic setting so NO ONE on the outside truly knows what goes on. Walking the area for the two-hour stint and praying the rosary, we felt that the Holy Spirit would touch someone's life through this! The experience made this an actuality, where before, since we lived 100 miles away, it never seemed real. Sad to say, but now it does. Thank you!
~ Pete & Marcia
In telling a friend about going to PP for the vigil, she revealed to me she had a Medically necessary abortion at PP. She said it was a terrible experience because there were so many young girls there giggling and laughing. She said there were postcards on the ceiling saying Hi I am on vacation since I had my abortion and having a good time. She said for her and her hsb who were grieving over this loss of a serious birth defect this atmosphere made it terrible. I was able to refer her to Care Net and Rachels Vineyard.
~ Ruth
The greatest accomplishment that I witnessed was that I was invited to speak at a local public high school debating someone from NARAL about abortion. When I left the school after 3 hours of debate, I saw the students very aware that abortion is the killing of a human being. They made the important shift from thinking in abstract about a "choice" to realizing the concreteness of "killing". I pray that what they felt to be the truth during that debate will accompany them throughout life and guide their choices.
~ Sr Raffaella
How neat it was to pray a Rosary with complete strangers, yet feel the common bond that brought you together.
~ Ann
It has been interesting that while praying the Rosary in the middle of the night, sometimes in the cold and the rain, and always with my mind only half awake, I have had some of my deepest insights into the mysteries of the Rosary. It is reasonable to expect such consolations while at Eucharistic Adoration, but I was surprised by that grace received in the presence of such evil. It is truly the workings of the Holy Spirit.
~ Greg
Wow! God is good!
~ Bridget
The best positive thing I can think of since I haven't yet gone to Madison (I am today) is that this is my third pregnancy and have never had the chance to have an ultrasound aside from the baby being between 8 and 10 weeks. That is exciting but all you see is just a tiny little thing and the heart beating. This time around I got to have an ultrasound at 19 weeks. Oh my goodness what an awesome thing to see!!!
~ Katie
On my noon shift this Wed. I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet when a young lady headed for the front door of Planned Parenthood. I held the Crucifix of my rosary up facing the lady asking our Lord to "turn her away" from the abortion mill. She stood at the front door for a few seconds, abruptly turned around, and drove off. Small miracle?-------Maybe not so small!
Praise be to God!
~ Patrick
1) Found encouragement from brothers in Christ
2) Seen the profound sacrifice others are making to pray for the protection of the unborn
3) Realized in my own life the power of prayer, especially in the form of a "vigil."
~ John
The Lord hears our prayers and answers them! So whether you can see it or not, lives are being changed and saved!
~ Maria
I have been enjoying your updates for the 40 Days for Life vigil in Madison. Recently I got a message that was sent out to all the Seminarians here at SHMS in Detroit. Basically it shows that our efforts here in Detroit (and even in Madison in someway) are truly worth the cause. I wanted to share this news and links that Nate sent me with you and others that are in your "40 Days for Life" group. Please share this if you want to. Remember, my prayers are with all of you each day and the works that you all do. Wish I could be there.
~ Jason
When we were at the mill, it was closed, but I thought that it was "amazing" that some college girls came all the way down from Stevens Points to pray for the babies and their mothers.
~ BobiBeth
I was struck by several things:
1) People have to be buzzed into the clinic. If there is nothing wrong with what goes on in the clinic, there would be no need to buzz people in.
2) Life goes on around the clinic. Is anyone paying attention????????? A nurse came back from McDonald's with her lunch. Students rush by and cross the sidewalk so as to not come near us. Do they understand what is going on behind closed doors? It makes you want to scream at the top of your lungs, "Children are dying! Does anyone care?"
3) The body language/actions of those entering the clinic speaks volumes. I saw one young lady RUN to her car after leaving the clinic. Few people entering or leaving the clinic will make eye contact with those of us who are praying.
4) I prayed 2 Sundays when the cleaning lady was there. It just gave me a new perspective on the variety of people affected by the clinic.
5) I couldn't help but notice the falling leaves and how symbolic they are. They are torn away from the tree of life just as the babies are torn from their mothers' wombs.
6) It was awesome to meet so many other Catholics who are staunchly pro-life and are willing to give of their time to pray and be a visible sign that abortion is wrong.
*Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this experience! Each day I left the clinic, I felt God's presence and joy.
~ Andrea
One of my Evangelical friends was stating how neat it was that the Catholic church is so vocal in the pro-life movement. She came to the vigil to pray with me one day so I wouldn't be alone, then came on her own several times. What a beautiful testament to the Catholic faith!
~ Alissa
Please feel free to leave comments, with your thoughts, stories, etc! God Bless you all!
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