There is a consensus that abortion is a social evil which must be avoided. Nonetheless, in those countries where abortion has been liberalised, it has increased. In the United States, in the first ten years, they tripled, and the figure has been maintained. It has become customary. The same thing happened in Spain.
Laws cannot ignore the reality of the existence of human life in its gestational stage, just as science reveals it. Biology has evolved greatly. Revolutionary discoveries, such as IVF or sequencing the human genome, show that from the moment of conception there is a new human life, a new being. So much so, that in modern legal systems, including our own, DNA has become the acid test of determining the identity of persons, independent of their age, even if the body is destroyed, or when practically nothing is left of the human being, and even after a long time. The true degree of civilisation of a nation is measured by how the neediest are protected.
Therefore we must protect the weakest amongst us. Because the criterion is not the value of the subject with respect to how others respond to him, or his usefulness, but the value which exists due to his mere existence…
Thursday, November 20, 2008
A Light in the Darkness
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Pro-Life Health Care coming to Madison
CONTACT: Steve Karlen
Our Lady of Hope Clinic Inc.
Our Lady of Hope Clinic Engages Development Consultant
Madison, WI, Nov. 19, 2008. Our Lady of Hope Clinic has recruited the services of development consultant Steve Karlen.
Karlen has previously worked in medical development in Chicago, and has been active in pro-life work in Madison. He will promote the Our Lady of Hope Clinic and secure benefactors as the clinic prepares to open in April 2009.
Our Lady of Hope Clinic is a non-profit, pro-life family medicine clinic founded with a mission of caring for the needy, supporting marital chastity, encouraging the use of Natural Family Planning and providing compassionate hospice care at the end of natural life. Upon opening, the clinic will provide free outpatient services to the uninsured, as well as to those who support the clinic as benefactors.
The clinic services will be funded by benefactors who support the Our Lady of Hope Clinic with an annual contribution. In exchange for their support, benefactors receive top-quality, personalized Catholic health care from their private physician at the clinic.
For additional information on becoming a benefactor or making a tax-deductible donation to Our Lady of Hope Clinic, contact Steve Karlen at or 608-445-2063 or visit
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Nightmare: An Abortion Testimony
The nightmare was the same: holding a lifeless baby boy, burned, chest and head sunk in, about 10 inches long. Each time I woke up only to find that it was not just a nightmare but a replay of what had happened months earlier.
I’m Julie Worzella a co-founder and Executive Director of Destiny Point Women’s Restoration Home. This is a part my story that helps to drive a passion within me to see hurting women in Wisconsin not only become survivors but overcomers and conquerors of their purpose, plans, dreams and visions that were instilled within them long before they were even born. A passion to see “hope” restored for their lives and the lives of their children and families.
I received a call about a person close to me; “Kari” was in the hospital. The baby had a defect, and would not live long after he was born. I considered myself pro-life, but wasn’t sure whether it was better for the baby to terminate the pregnancy or for him to die soon after. During the hour and a half ride to the hospital, I found myself crying and praying. Praying the best I knew how (I did not know the Lord very well). Praying for “Kari”, for the baby, and for myself.
When I got there I found “Kari”, alone, having strong aggressive contractions. Several hours ago they injected her with a strong saline solution to kill the baby and then they induced labor. They had to induce her a second time because her body was not ready to give up that baby. After “Kari” had become totally exhausted from hours of violent contractions they sedated her. When she awoke, I was hoping I would hear a little cry from that little boy, and if he was to die after he was born, hoping to hold him until that time would come.
But my hopes disappeared when “Kari” came out of the bathroom; she said the baby was in the toilet. Nothing in my life has prepared me for what I would see that day. I ran in and scooped him out and wrapped his lifeless body in a towel. Even though he was only 16 weeks old, he had everything that a full term baby had right down to his eyelashes and fingernails. As the doctor had suspected some of his internal organs were growing outside his body.
Among the perfect features on a newborn baby was the destruction of the “termination.” His skin was burnt and his chest and head were sunk in. I found out later through research that this deadly mixture of saline solution and the violent contractions was guaranteed to accomplish the results of an abortion. The saline solution burns the baby inside and out, while the violent contractions crush the soft bone of the head and ribcage. Even though it was legal and was described “the best thing to do,” that little guy died a violent death, and in turn a part of “Kari” died that day. And she has not yet recovered.
“Kari” was abused as a child and struggled with her own self-worth, but since the abortion, she has become addicted to alcohol, committed adultery, and recently divorced. She is searching to fill a void in her life and a way to ease the pain. Hope was lost for that child and in turn hope for her own future. It took me years of pain and questioning the Lord, “Why was I there Lord, even though I helped “Kari” through the labor, the baby died, and died a violent death, and “Kari’s” pain was steadily getting worse? What good could possibly come from this?”
The pain of scooping my own 12 week old son out of the toilet after I had miscarried 13 years earlier had come back to mix with the pain of “Kari’s” child. And to top it off, approximately three months after abortion, a photograph of Samuel Armas came out. A surgeon was performing surgery on Samuel while he was still in the uterus! Little Samuel's hand reached out of the uterus and grabbed the surgeon’s finger! Praise God for little Samuel, but too late for “Kari’s” baby. BUT GOD! Yes but God will make all things work together for good….
It is not my heart to condemn anyone that has or may terminate her pregnancy. These women (and men) are hurting enough. And neither does God wish to condemn them. He extends His grace, mercy and forgiveness for our mistakes, failures and sin through His son Jesus for those who believe (Romans 4:25).
What the Lord wants is for us is to walk with Him, see what He sees, rejoice when He rejoices, and weep when He weeps. “Kari’s” baby boy did not die in vain. For the Lord has not only given me a passion to help women through their traumas such as abortion, addiction and abuse, but He also given me a voice to help others see what God sees everyday, and in some small way feel a part of the pain he must feel witnessing 4,000 violent abortions a day, most preformed out of convenience or as a form of birth control. All done because a loss of hope for that child’s future. Mankind is the Lord’s precious creation. He formed us and blew His Breath into us (Genesis 2:7) and made us in His image (Genesis 1:26).
Even those babies with defects, are created by Him. They are not a mistake. Nothing else that He has ever created received this kind of love and care, not His plants or animals. God’s Word said that He does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8). Human life, babies, adults, elderly, you and I are still as precious to Him today as it was when He first created Adam and Eve.
We have been bombarded with campaign ads, promises and sometimes misleading information. Our responsibility as Christians and Catholics is to search out the truth and the candidate’s past voting records on Legislation and bills cannot tell a lie. One of the candidates was the only member of the Senate who voted three times against legislation--that would provide medical care to a baby surviving an abortion which puts him to the left of all Senators. His opposition to banning partial-birth abortion in which the baby is delivered all the way except for the head and then killed, places him 17 out of 47 Democratic Senators.
At July 2007’s Planned Parenthood conference, he promised: "The first thing I will do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act." This law, if passed and signed, will strike down every current restriction on abortion within all 50 states including parental notification and restrictions on Partial Birth Abortion. Despite the downplaying of the abortion issue, most Americans want restrictions on abortion and the one candidate’s 100% pro-abortion voting record goes against our beliefs.
Women like “Kari” are waiting for our help. If you find it in your heart to give please send it to 6983 Grotto Ave, Rudolph WI 54475. Our website is God Bless You!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Forty Days for Life Madison Election Resource Center
It is the expressed policy of 40 Days for Life Madison not to endorse any political candidates. Our aim is to end abortion through peaceful prayer.
Yet we cannot close our eyes to political and social evils that arise in the world. And, as we've mentioned before, one of the nominees for president intends to advance policies so wicked that we cannot remain silent. These proposals would cause unimaginable harm to our efforts to promote a respect for life and a respect for family.
We do not suggest any particular candidate for any office. But we do feel that you should know
some crucial facts before casting your ballot.
God Bless,
The 40 Days for Life Madison Team
The Freedom of Choice Act
Madison Catholic Herald Column
The Born Alive Infant Protection Act
Bella Star Eduardo Verástegui's election video (Graphic)
A touching video on the Born Alive Infant Protection Act (Graphic):
Abortion Survivor Gianna Jessen's Born Alive Infant Protection Act Video:
Gianna Jessen Video 2
Never Find Out video:
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Out of the Mouths of Babes
"What," I arrogantly thought to myself, "can a nine-year-old girl possibly teach ME about the faith?"
I was quickly humbled by this young lady. Indeed, she had plenty to teach me.
She discussed how every other weekend, she helps look after very young children in the church. She particularly described the challenges she's faced in helping take care of a girl with Down Syndrome.
"I have learned how to be patient and to be caring," she said while emphasizing how important it is for her to share her time and energy with this cognitively disabled girl. "She is my friend."
In the United States, approximately 90 percent of children with Down Syndrome are killed before they see the light of day--their lives considered unworthy of society's care and compassion. This right to put these children to death is fought for by doctors, lawyers, and many other folks with advanced degrees. But here, a little child stood before the crowded church and gave a stirring witness to what love is and how it is done.
Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life has said, “In giving His Body, Christ teaches the meaning of love: I sacrifice myself for the good of the other person. Abortion teaches the opposite of love: I sacrifice the other person for the good of myself.”
It's unlikely that the young girl speaking at church this weekend has ever heard those words. It's undeniable that she lives them. In giving of herself, she enriched her new friend's life as well as her own.
My wife Laura is fond of saying that if kids ran the world, abortion would be unthinkable. "You can't hurt a baby!" they would cry. "Why would you hurt a baby?"
May our nation be so blessed as to see the world through the eyes of a child.
"Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." --Matthew 18:3
Week in Review
Bill in Congress would eliminate all restrictions on abortion
Woman chooses life for Down Syndrome baby
Pro-Life doctors and pharmacists under attack
40 Days for Life helps Planned Parenthood employee exit abortion industry
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Pray for America Part 2
As we mentioned then, we do this not to promote a political party or ideology, but because some politicians are taking drastic measures to kill pre-born children any way possible.
Sadly, some politicians won't even stop at killing only pre-born children. Today, we will take a look at a video regarding another law: the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. While as many as 500 babies a year survive late term abortions, the abortionists have been known to abandon or murder the surviving children outside the womb.
This act was signed into law at a federal level; however, the Democrat Party's nominee for president infamously opposed it numerous times at the state level.
VIEWER DISCRETION is advised when watching this video. It includes disturbing images.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Spiritual Warfare: Battling the Prince of Darkness at Planned Parenthood
Yet in our very secular age, I’m often tempted to believe that the supernatural is reserved for different times and far-off places. While I have no problem accepting that miracles occurred in Egypt and Israel thousands of years ago, how willing am I to acknowledge the same sort of spiritual warfare occurs both in the modern world and in my own life?
Standing outside of Planned Parenthood this past week, it became clear to me: Not only does the supernatural war between good and evil continue in the modern world, but we in 40 Days for Life play a central role in it.
For example, some of you have reported that in the last couple weeks the animosity from the pro-abortion crowd has intensified. Lately, we’ve seen more insults and more middle fingers. And if you had the opportunity to attend the midpoint prayer service Thursday night, you might have noticed a troubled individual who appeared to come out of nowhere, spewing vitriol and hate. Continuing to shout at us, she disappeared into the night as mysteriously as she appeared. Just hours later, another woman drove by the vigil site, delivering a similarly incoherent stream of insults.
These women were so frenzied and unhinged, that I became acutely aware that this anger was not merely human in origin. Forty Days for Life is working, my friends, and Satan is mad. In Madison and across the continent, our lives and souls are being saved. Wounds are being healed. Faith is being strengthened.
As a result, the enemy is unleashing the fury of Hell in the hopes that we might get discouraged, and his steady stream of infant sacrifice may resume unhindered.
The devil’s attacks may force us to our knees, but that’s exactly where the victory is to be won. Like God’s holy men and women in the Sacred Scripture, we will rely on the grace of God to stand strong in the midst of our evil oppressors in this fallen world. We will not back down. We will not be deterred. We will note accept the slaughter of the next generation.
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake; for theirs is the Kingdom of God.” –Matthew 5:10
Week in Review
40 Days for Life Midpoint Prayer Service draws enthusiastic crowd
Father Jim Heyd of Priests for Life visits 40 Days for Life
Human Life International Father Thomas Euteneuer headlines Pro-Life Wisconsin’s Annual Auction Dinner
New poll shows more than 9 in 10 Americans want restrictions on abortion
First half of 40 Days for Life saves a confirmed 268 babies nationwide
Father John Corapi on the culture of death
The clock is ticking. Midnight is approaching. Time is running out for our nation, a nation that once was great, and could be great again if enough of us wake up and renounce this curse of a death wish. Will God turn his friends over to His enemies as He has done multiple times in the past? Will radical Islam overrun us? Will the planet cook? Will one too many natural disasters grind us into dust? Will we collapse economically? All of the above? Perhaps these are all merely effects of the underlying cause—a death wish that chokes the life out of us.
In the end, it is likely that President Lincoln had it right: "Intoxicated with unbroked success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us." Thus forgetting that we are one nation under God, we become a nation gone under (President Ronald Reagan).And indeed, "If destruction be our lot, we ourselves will be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."
May God grant us the grace to awake from this deadly moral slumber, renounce the death wish, and live like truly free men and women--in the glorious freedom of the children of God.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Pray for America
The purpose and aim of 40 Days for Life is to pray for an end to abortion and other violence toward God's beautiful gift of life. While we are explicitly not an organization that deals with politics, sadly, the political realm cannot be overlooked. This is particularly true when civil authorities attempt to infringe on natural law and the right to life for all human beings. As Jesus told us, render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.
As prayer warriors for the poorest of the poor, there is a bill in the United States Congress right now that you need to know about. The Freedom of Choice Act is sponsored by numerous high-profile legislators, and Presidential Nominee Barack Obama has pledged that it is the first bill he will sign into law if elected president.
In short, the bill would wipe away any legal restrictions on abortion. Any restrictions whatsoever. While a 17-year old still needs a signed permission slip to participate on a class field trip to a museum, the Freedom of Choice Act would allow 12-year-olds to receive abortions, without parental consent. The absurdity and depravity of this potential law is beyond words. The nation desperately needs your continued prayers.
We have dug up the text of this legislation for your information. Red text is our comment.
The Freedom of Choice Act
To prohibit, consistent with Roe v. Wade, the interference by the government with a woman's right to choose to bear a child or terminate a pregnancy, and for other purposes. Note the subtle language used here: "Bear a child or terminate a pregnancy." The sponsors clearly recognize that a child is the victim of abortion here. However, when this child is unwanted it's a "pregnancy" that is terminated. It's a blatant bit of verbal engineering.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the `Freedom of Choice Act'. Father John Corapi has an excellent commentary on the use of the word "choice." He notes that it's the only time we don't finish the sentence. For example, we have the choice to go to a movie or get a dog. But the pro-abortion crowd won't elaborate on the type of choice they are promoting because it's clearly evil.
Congress finds the following:
(1) The United States was founded on the principles of individual liberty, personal privacy, and equality. Such principles ensure that each individual is free to make the most intimate decisions free from governmental interference and discrimination. We have always been under the impression that the United State was founded on the principles of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. It goes without saying that all of these rights depend on the right to life.
(2) A woman's decision to commence, prevent, continue, or terminate a pregnancy is one of the most intimate decisions an individual ever faces. As such, reproductive health decisions are best made by the woman, in consultation with her medical provider or loved ones, without governmental interference. We've got another bit of rhetorical engineering with the use of the phrase "reproductive health." There is nothing reproductive nor healthy about killing a pre-born child. When a woman becomes pregnant, it means the reproductive system IS working. This bill treats pregnancy as a disease.
(3) In 1965, in Griswold v. Connecticut (381 U.S. 479), and in 1973, in Roe v. Wade (410 U.S. 113) and Doe v. Bolton (410 U.S. 179), the Supreme Court recognized the right to privacy protected by the Constitution and that such right encompassed the right of every woman to weigh the personal, moral, and religious considerations involved in deciding whether to commence, prevent, continue, or terminate a pregnancy. Despite these court decisions, the so-called right to privacy does not exist anywhere in the Constitution. Would we as a society be willing to allow any other atrocities as long as they were conducted in private?
(4) The Roe v. Wade decision carefully balanced the rights of women to make important reproductive (Again, there is nothing reproductive about abortion.) decisions with the state's interest in potential life. (Are pre-born babies only potential lives? Let's see. They possess a beating heart, brainwaves, an entirely unique set of 46 chromosomes worth of DNA. They carry out each and every life process recognized by biologists. Scientifically and medically, a pre-born child is a life. The use of the word potential is dishonest.) Under Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, a woman's right to choose to terminate her pregnancy is absolute only prior to fetal viability, with the state permitted to ban abortion after fetal viability except when necessary to protect the life or health of a woman. Note that "health of the mother" has been used to cover nearly any excuse for an abortion, such as financial health.
(5) These decisions have protected the health and lives of women in the United States. Prior to the Roe v. Wade decision, an estimated 1,200,000 women each year were forced (Forced?! In addition to being untrue, this is an insult to women who actually are forced to undergo abortion by oppressive governments.) to resort to illegal abortions, despite the known hazards that included unsanitary conditions, incompetent treatment, infection, hemorrhage, disfiguration, and death. This number was announced by form abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson. Nathanson has since joined the pro-life movement and admitted that he fabricated this number. The real number of illegal abortions was less than 10 percent of this figure.
(6) According to one estimate, prior to 1973, as many as 5,000 women died each year in the United States as a result of having an illegal abortion. Another fabricated number. According to Dr. Nathanson, the real number was approximately 200-250.
(7) In countries where abortion remains illegal, the risk of complications and maternal mortality is high. According to the World Health Organization, of the approximately 600,000 pregnancy-related deaths occurring annually around the world, 80,000 are associated with unsafe abortions. The World Health Organization sadly continues to impose a radical pro-abortion campaign on the Third World.
(8) The Roe v. Wade decision expanded the opportunities for women to participate equally in society. In 1992, in Planned Parenthood v. Casey (505 U.S. 833), the Supreme Court observed that, `[t]he ability of women to participate equally in the economic and social life of the Nation has been facilitated by their ability to control their reproductive lives.'. Unbelievable. Feminists should be outraged at any suggestion that women can only achieve equality by destroying what makes them feminine: their fertility.
(9) Even though the Roe v. Wade decision guaranteed a constitutional right to choose whether to terminate or continue a pregnancy, threats to that right remain, including possible reversal or further erosion by the Supreme Court of the right, and legislative and administrative policies at all levels of government that make abortion more difficult and dangerous to obtain.
(10) 87 percent of the counties in the United States have no abortion provider. Thanks be to God!
(11) Legal barriers to the full range of reproductive services endanger the health and lives of women.
(12) Women should have meaningful access to reproductive health services to prevent unintended pregnancies, thereby reducing the need for abortions. Study after study confirms that increased use of birth control leads to more abortions.
(13) To ensure that a woman's right to choose whether to terminate a pregnancy is available to all women in the United States, Federal protection for that right is necessary. Basically, the government will impose abortion upon us whether we like it or not.
(14) Although Congress may not create constitutional rights without amending the Constitution, Congress may, where authorized by its enumerated powers and not prohibited by the Constitution, enact legislation to create and secure statutory rights in areas of legitimate national concern.
(15) Congress has the affirmative power under section 8 of article I of the Constitution and section 5 of the 14th amendment to the Constitution to enact legislation to facilitate interstate commerce and to prevent State interference with interstate commerce, liberty, or equal protection of the laws.
(16) Federal protection of a woman's right to choose to prevent or terminate a pregnancy falls within this affirmative power of Congress, in part, because--
(A) many women cross State lines to obtain abortions and many more would be forced (Again the use of the word "force" is insulting.) to do so absent a constitutional right or Federal protection;
(B) reproductive health clinics are commercial actors that regularly purchase medicine, medical equipment, and other necessary supplies from out-of-State suppliers; and
(C) reproductive health clinics employ doctors, nurses, and other personnel who travel across State lines in order to provide reproductive health services to patients.
In this Act:
(1) Government- The term `government' includes a branch, department, agency, instrumentality, or official (or other individual acting under color of law) of the United States, a State, or a subdivision of a State.
(2) State- The term `State' means each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and each territory or possession of the United States.
(3) Viability- The term `viability' means that stage of pregnancy when, in the best medical judgment of the attending physician based on the particular medical facts of the case before the physician, there is a reasonable likelihood of the sustained survival of the fetus outside of the woman. Of course, as medicine improves, viability becomes earlier and earlier. This proves that viability as an absolutely arbitrary guideline. If a fetus is a human being after viability, do medical advances really change when human life begins?
(a) Statement of Policy- It is the policy of the United States that every woman has the fundamental right to choose to bear a child, to terminate a pregnancy prior to fetal viability, or to terminate a pregnancy after fetal viability when necessary to protect the life or health of the woman. Again, we hear about choice and choosing. When our politicians talk about choice, we must ask "Is this what you mean?"
(b) Prohibition of Interference- A government may not--
(1) deny or interfere with a woman's right to choose--
(A) to bear a child;
(B) to terminate a pregnancy prior to viability; or
(C) to terminate a pregnancy after viability where termination is necessary to protect the life or health of the woman; or
(2) discriminate against the exercise of the rights set forth in paragraph (1) in the regulation or provision of benefits, facilities, services, or information. In other words, a government official making a pro-life speech could be vulnerable to a lawsuit for "discriminating" against the universal right to abortion.
(c) Civil Action- An individual aggrieved by a violation of this section may obtain appropriate relief (including relief against a government) in a civil action.
Let's consider the sort of laws that would be wiped off the books.
- Parental consent. Children could receive abortions without their parents consent. If you are a parent, this should send chills up your spine.
- Waiting periods. Abortion waiting period laws require patients to be provided with a certain number of days before they can procure an abortion. If the sponsors of this law were really concerned with choice, wouldn't they want to afford women the necessary time to choose correctly?
- Conscience clauses. Pro-life doctors, pharmacists, nurses and other medical professionals would not be allowed to refrain from participating in abortions. Pro-life hospitals would be required to offer them. Why don't these individuals and institutions get "freedom of choice."
- Partial-birth abortion ban. Yes, this grisly procedure in which a living baby is delivered breech up to the head before being stabbed to death would be once again legally protected.
- The Hyde Amendment. Currently, the Medicaid is not allowed to cover abortions. This would change as your tax dollars would immediately be funnelled to kill the preborn.
- Laws requiring that abortion patients receive information on fetal development. Again, why doesn't the pro-abortion movement want women to be able to make an informed choice?
- Doctor-0nly laws. Most states require licensed doctors to perform abortions. The Freedom of Choice Act would not require an abortion provider to have a medical license.
If any provision of this Act, or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance, is held to be unconstitutional, the remainder of this Act, or the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which the provision is held to be unconstitutional, shall not be affected thereby.
This Act applies to every Federal, State, and local statute, ordinance, regulation, administrative order, decision, policy, practice, or other action enacted, adopted, or implemented before, on, or after the date of enactment of this Act.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Fr. Jim Heyd visits 40 Days for Life Madison, Milwaukee
At 1:00, Father Heyd led vigil attendees in saying the Rosary. He then celebrated the Saturday evening Vigil Mass at St. Peter's Catholic Church. Father Heyd also celebrated four Sunday morning Masses at St. Peter's before heading to the 40 Days for Life Milwaukee vigil.
40 Days for Life Midpoint Prayer Services draws enthusiastic crowd
With the last rays of sunlight cast shadows in front of Planned Parenthood, Tom Lang welcomed the crowd of more than 30 Christians gathered to pray for an end to abortion. Martin then led the group in singing "Amazing Grace." Following another spirited hymn, Doyle offered an inspiring reflection on Psalm 139.
Lang provided closing remarks on the vitality and importance of the pro-life movement, and Martin complied as the crowd requested him to lead it in additional praise and worship songs.
Prayer service attendees were slow to disperse. Nearly a dozen remained praying in front of the abortion center several hours after the event ended.
An excerpt from Psalm 139
You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb.
I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works! My very self you knew; my bones were not hidden from you when I was being made in secret, fashioned as in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes foresaw my actions; in your book all are written down; my days were shaped, before one came to be.
How precious to me are your designs, O God; how vast the sum of them!
Were I to count, they would outnumber the sands; to finish, I would need eternity.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
40 Days for Life welcomes Father Jim Heyd October 18 and 19
Father Heyd will return to St. Peter's on Sunday, October 19 to celebrate Mass at 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 and 1:00 (Spanish Mass). He will then head East and lead the 40 Days for Life Milwaukee prayer vigil at Affiliated Medical Services. For directions, click here.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Shocking Poll: Americans overwhelmingly favor restrictions on abortion
Not so, according to a new poll from PR Newswire. The poll asked respondents to state which of six statements came closest to describing their opinion on abortion.
- 8% of US residents chose option 1, that abortion should be available to a woman any time she wants one during her entire pregnancy.
- 8% chose option 2, that abortion should be allowed only during the first 6 months of pregnancy.
- 24% chose option 3, that abortion should be allowed only during the first 3 months of pregnancy;-- 32% chose option 4, that abortion should be allowed only in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.
- 15% chose option 5, that abortion should be allowed only to save the life of the mother.
- 13% chose option 6, that abortion should never be permitted under any circumstance.
Into the Silence
We’ve been so excited to hear your stories. Please continue to send them in. From saved babies, to Spirit-inspired conversations, to post-abortive parents seeking healing, your prayerful presence has truly yielded incredible tangible results.
But some of you might be wondering, “Why haven’t I had a similar experience? Why are my prayers answered with silence?”
Maybe you’ve received nothing but scorn for your efforts. Maybe you stand watch on Sunday afternoons or late nights when the abortion center is closed. Maybe you watch with a broken heart as women enter Planned Parenthood and end their children’s lives.
In the face of such trials we might ask ourselves why we even bother showing up. After all, what good can come from the silence of the cold, dark night? What is the point of subjecting oneself to ridicule from folks whose hearts are filled with hate? How can anybody stand strong while an innocent person is put to death just yards away? These are difficult questions.
Strangely, my favorite time to pray outside Planned Parenthood is the dead of the night. With a pitch black sky and empty streets, the so-called clinic is enveloped in darkness and silence. God seems very distant. As I pray, the silence only grows. I contemplate the evil that occurs in the building before me and wonder why a merciful God does not deliver the preborn from their executioners. My frustration builds, and I’m reminded of the doubts that plagued Mother Teresa, a fellow advocate for preborn babies.
“Where is my faith?” she asked. “Even deep down there is nothing but emptiness and darkness….I am told God lives in me, and yet the reality of darkness and coldness and emptiness is so great that nothing touches my soul.”
Indeed, the darkness that emanates from the abortion facility, permeating the night, nearly swallows my faith and hope as well.
And then I remember. We have a Savior who 2,000 years ago endured the same heart-wrenching sorrow while His prayers from the Cross, much like ours, were answered with silence.
But that silence was not the last word. When all hope seemed lost, Jesus Christ literally and figuratively shook the foundations of the Earth by rising from the grave.
Similarly, when our efforts seem futile, let us remember that our Savior went before us to show us the way. The victory has been in hand for nearly two millennia. Our task is to serve as tools of His grace. Nothing more, nothing less.
So let us continue to answer Jesus’s call. Can we not keep watch with Him for one hour?
Thank you all for your wonderful work. Your sacrifices continue to inspire us. May God bless you abundantly.
Week in Review
40 Days for Life Midpoint Prayer Service to be held October 16
Bishop Morlino celebrates Respect Life Sunday
Wisconsin State Journal publishes 40 Days for Life letter to the editor
Renowned Pro-Life Sociologist Bradford Wilcox to speak in Madison October 23, 24
114 babies nationwide confirmed saved from abortion by 40 Days for Life
Monday, October 13, 2008
Queen for a Day
This rate should shock and trouble us all. Though we'd like to believe that eliminating disabled individuals from the population is a historical relic that went out of fashion many decades ago, the evidence tragically suggests otherwise.
However, today, we're delighted to share with you an encouraging story from the Dallas Morning News. Hope you have a box of tissues on hand.
Never has the selection of a homecoming queen sent so many tears falling so freely.
Kristin Pass, an 18-year-old senior with Down syndrome, became Aledo High School's homecoming queen Friday to a joyous standing ovation and the flutter of a thousand tissues on a remarkable night for an amazing young woman.
Her grandfather, Dr. David Campbell of Corsicana, escorted her onto the field and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as Kristin joined eight other young women in the Homecoming Court to await the results of the vote, cast by the 360-plus members of Aledo High's senior class.
Then came the announcement ... and pandemonium."Oh my gosh! I was sitting in the student section and everyone stood up, crying and cheering for Kristin," said longtime friend and fellow senior Meaghan Geary, 17, who first met Kristin in the third grade. "It was great!"
Carolyn Pass stood at the edge of the football field, taking pictures of her daughter and friends' daughters in the court, when the stadium erupted.
"It's just something you can't even imagine," she said. "And afterward, everyone was just running down to her, congratulating her. And the other girls in the court, they're all just beautiful girls, inside and out."
Ms. Pass said she spoke later with a friend. "She said the only mistake anyone made was not handing out crying towels."
The vote may have been a surprise, but no one who knows Kristin doubts her popularity, her mother said.
"Kristin has a lot of friends – she likes everyone. It doesn't matter if you're tall or short, pretty, not pretty, smart, not smart – she likes everybody. She has great friends. And Aledo is a great community."
"She's just the neatest kid in the whole wide world," added her aunt, Chari Hust of Houston, "and everybody sees that."
Clay Gilmer, who works in the stadium press box, running the scoreboard and clock, said people pushed toward the windows as the young women were introduced. "They were all pulling for Kristin," Mr. Gilmer said.
When she won, he was thrilled. "This has been such a special time, a special week for Kristin," he said. "And I was really taken by the maturity and the love shown by her
friends, her peers, her classmates."That makes this a double blessing." Kristin pronounced the evening "exciting" and "awesome."
She was so thrilled, her mother said, that she took her crown to bed with her. "She's real proud of it," her friend Meaghan added.
Kristin and her family, including sister Kendall, now a freshman, moved to Aledo when Kristin was in the third grade. She was embraced by the people in town through good times and bad, including the death of her dad, J.T., two years ago.
"We've always had great experiences here," her mom said. "We've been blessed, and I think Kristin brings a lot of blessings to the people she knows."
Her selection as homecoming queen was a wonderful surprise. But Meaghan seemed to have an inkling that it could happen.
"Everyone loves Kristin," she said, "and I didn't know for sure, but in class everyone was like, 'Who are you voting for?' and everybody was like, 'Vote for Kristin, she's so good.' "
Kristin doesn't care what's on the outside, Meaghan said. She's friends with everyone, and everyone admires that.
"She's the person we all want to be," Meaghan said.
Great news from the national campaign
The enthusiasm about 40 Days for Life is contagious,and it's had a profound effect during the first half of this fall's historic campaign.
The number of "turnarounds" --women who arrived for abortions but left the clinic without going through with it -- has jumped dramatically in the last week, reaching record levels....
"We know we have saved a 17-year-old who was at first determined to abort her 5-month-old baby," Barbara in Fayetteville, Arkansas said. This young woman could not get an abortion at this point in her pregnancy in Fayetteville, so she was going to make the three-hour drive to Little Rock, home of Arkansas' only other abortion center. "She turned around one block before she reached the abortion facility! We are now are planning her baby shower."
It isn't just mothers and babies receiving positive attention during 40 Days for Life -- it's also the people who work at the abortion centers.
At the 40 Days for Life vigil in Toledo, Ohio, Ann reports that four clinic employees put up yard signs on the building's lawn and taped posters in the facility's windows -- as a result of the prayer vigil going on outside. "This was disconcerting at first,"she said, "but then you come to realize that their consciences are at work. This is a good thing!"
"It seems as if the workers are looking a little grimmer as they enter the building in the morning,"said Jean, speaking of the staff at the Planned Parenthood in Burlington, Vermont. "The ones that do smile are few and far between, and they almost seem to have fake smiles on their faces."
They also can't find anyone to do abortions! Planned Parenthood has gone so far as to run want ads in the local paper, looking for someone to assist with abortions, starting immediately.
"Imagine that!" said Jean. "It seems as though they have lost two employees -- one might be the abortionist herself. Today is the normal day for abortions, but it looked as if there were none preformed."
Patsy in Orange County, California also notes the difference 40 Days for Life can make for people in the abortion industry. "One of the Planned Parenthood employees came out, encouraged our prayer warriors and asked them to display a sign the women can see with a number where they can get help," she said. That's incredible!
If you find such a person, please continue to offer encouragement and Christ's love. It pays off!
"I learned this morning that one of the abortion center nurses quit," said Jenny in Louisville, Kentucky. "Mary, one of our counselors, kept telling this worker that she would help her find another job. Last Saturday was the nurse's last day in the abortion center. Praise God!"
Sunday, October 12, 2008
40 Days for Life Midpoint Prayer Service to be Held October 16
Over the last 20 days, Madison-area Christians have maintained a peaceful presence outside of Planned Parenthood, praying and fasting. During that time, nearly a thousand one-hour shifts have been filled as at least two people have stood watch around the clock. Forty Days for Life Madison Co-Director Laura Karlen said the midpoint prayer service is an occasion to rejuvenate the already passionate pro-lifers.
“The prayer service is an opportunity to unite Dane County’s diverse pro-life community,” Karlen said. “Men and women, young and old, Protestants and Catholics all come together to pray that soon abortion and all forms of violence will be no more.”
In addition to praying and fasting, vigil participants have helped empower women to choose life by offering support and referring them to local organizations that provide housing, prenatal care, and other material assistance to those facing crisis pregnancies. Furthermore, a number of men who have been affected by abortion have also approached vigil participants to receive counseling information for post-abortive men and women.
For more information on 40 Days for Life, visit To volunteer, call Amy Hying at 608-698-3877 or Steve Karlen at 608-445-2063.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Bishop Morlino celebrates Respect Life Sunday
In his homily at the Mass on October 5, Bishop Robert C. Morlino first examined the Gospel reading for the day, the parable in which the tenants of a vineyard kill the master’s son, sent to them to collect the produce, and its metaphor for God, the church, and society.
“The people who killed the master of the vineyard’s son turned against him in the end,” the bishop said. “What greater rejection could there be than they would kill your son?
“Killing always involves the rejection of the master of the vineyard,” he said.
Wisconsin State Journal publishes 40 Days for Life letter
I commend the 40 Days for Life volunteers outside of Planned Parenthood on Madison's East Side for taking up a peaceful fight to try to put an end to abortion.
It can be hard for people to keep doing something they think is right, even if people yell at them and despise them, especially when it seems that much of the surrounding community disagrees with them. But even a small group fighting for what's right is a group to be dealt with. May they continue to have success in their fight.
Why haven't we seen much media attention on their efforts to save the unborn?-- Adam Morse
Great work, Adam. Thanks for spreading the word.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Why We Do What We Do
I guess you could say I've always been a bit of a dreamer. Growing up, I'd sometimes daydream about what it might be like to save a life and be a hero. From a doctor successfully performing an emergency surgery to firefighters rushing up the stairs of the crumbling World Trade Center, what must it be like to know that your actions kept a human being alive?
My friends, this question is one we no longer have to ask ourselves. Over the last week, we received two separate reports from our prayer warriors that babies have been saved right here in Madison.
On Thursday, a middle-aged woman drove by the vigil site. As she passed, she honked the horn and proclaimed, "God Bless your efforts, we saved a baby today!" We don't have any more information about this particular encounter, but we ask you to please keep the mother and baby in your prayers.
Then, this morning, another one of you sent us this incredibly touching exchange about two women who entered Planned Parenthood before stopping to talk:
They had lots of questions. What was I doing? Why was I doing it? God provided all the answers....Maria* (20 years old) said "I'm pregnant". She and her sister don't have jobs, are not citizens and have to find a new place to live in one week. I [referred them to] CareNet, and they agreed to go there to get help. So I treated them to lunch and drove them to CareNet. I told Maria to please come by next week and let me know how she is doing. She also wanted my phone number and said that I'm her mom now.
*Name changed for the sake of privacy.
What a beautiful testimony! So we thank and praise God for these two lives that have been spared death. And two more lives that have been spared the emotional and physical scars that come with abortion. And countless more lives that will be touched somehow, some way because two mothers made the heroic decision to bring a child into the world in a difficult situation.
We also thank all of you. For each hour you spent outside the abortion center, for your fasting, for your willingness to pray from home in solidarity we thank you. While you could undoubtedly be pursuing activities more fun, more profitable, or more convenient to your busy schedules, you chose to act as tools of God's grace.
Sometimes this struggle for life seems a bit abstract. In the face of 3,000 abortions every day, it might be easy to lose sight of the human face of this issue. But this week, we continue with the knowledge that the world will be irreversibly changed by two women's choice of life. Two children will be born. And, God willing, they will go to kindergarten, sit on Santa's lap, bring friends home from school, and all the other things little boys and girls do. Perhaps they will play Little League, perform in the high school musical, go to college, get married and raise children of their own.
And without your efforts, none of this might have happened. Well done.
God Bless you, and please continue to pray for these women and all women who find themselves in crisis pregnancies.
Week in Review
Pro-Life Memorial Day is today
40 Days for Life Sioux City recounts a touching story
Planned Parenthood caught covering up statutory rape
Pending legislation would eliminate all abortion restrictions
A look back at Bishop Robert Morlino's 2007 Respect Life Sunday statement
Sunday, September 28, 2008
40 Days for Life Kickoff Rally Audio Now Online
Click here for the stirring testimonies from Silent No More's Jane Frantz and keynote speaker Michael Clancy.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
It Begins: 40 Days for Life's first week brings successes, challenges
We are now four days into this fall's 40 Days for Life vigil. And already this effort is bearing great fruit in Madison and around the country.
Yesterday morning, National 40 Days for Life Campaign Director David Bereit confirmed that the lives of seven babies have already been saved. Locally, you've reported numerous stories of parents who have lost children to abortion seeking healing. The Holy Spirit is doing great deeds.
In every era, it seems, there is a great moral battle to be fought. Slavery. Racism. Genocide. Atrocities that baffle the mind and sadden the heart. But in each age, our merciful God has equipped ordinary men and women with the courage, the fortitude and the faith to stare down the power of Hell and put a stop to evil.
My friends, we stand before one of the greatest moral scourges to ever plague humanity: innocent children being put to death by the thousands. Abortion is ingrained in our culture. It's ingrained in our laws. It's even ingrained in our communities as Planned Parenthood kills in the middle of a residential East Side neighborhood while children laugh and play.
And so we pray. As desperate women enter the abortion center, we pray. As day gives way to the dark of night and the streets fall eerily silent, we pray. As rain falls like the tears of the unborn, we pray.
This journey upon which we've set out is not an easy one. The insults and persecution remind us that the rulers of this world hate us and all that we stand for. The manipulation of words makes our peaceful vigil sound intimidating and violent.
But still, we pray. Because if just one life is saved or one broken heart mended, isn't it worth the time and the sacrifice we put into it?
Thank you for your prayers. You are truly doing the Lord's work. Let us look forward--God willing--to the day when the culture of death falls and Planned Parenthood stands only as a tragic reminder of man's capacity for cruelty to his fellow man.
God Bless You,
The 40 Days for Life Team
Week in Review:
- Get the latest 40 Days for Life updates on your cell phone
- Wisconsin records fewest number of abortions since 1974
- Many prayer time slots still need to be filled
- Kickoff Rally audio is now online
- Madison Catholic Herald covers Kickoff Rally
Forty Days for Life Web Site:
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Get 40 Days for Life on your phone!
Users of the popular social networking site Twitter can now easily track Madison's 40 Days for Life campaign by following the user 40DaysLifeMadsn. Daily updates include the current day's devotional, vigil updates, and any vital information that becomes available.
Updates can also be sent as text messages directly to your phone!
Click here to sign up for Twitter and begin tracking 40 Days for Life. To receive updates on your phone, click the Devices tab and enter your mobile phone number. Standard text messaging rates apply.
Wisconsin records lowest number of abortions in more than 30 years
Still, there is much work to be done. More than 8,000 lives were lost to abortion in the state.
Just as troubling, Planned Parenthood continues to target African American babies at an alarming rate. Despite constituting just six percent of Wisconsin's population, the African American population accounted for nearly a quarter of the abortions performed in the state. Clearly, Planned Parenthood continues to embrace the genocidal goals upon which it was founded.
Click here to view the full report issued by the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services: Reported Induced Termination of Pregnancy in Wisconsin
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A Call to Action: Prayer Warriors Needed
We're now just a week away from 40 Days for Life Vigil Madison.
As the start draws nearer, we are in great need of folks to sign up for shifts to pray outside Planned Parenthood. We still need dozens of hours to be filled the first week alone.
So whether you haven't gotten around to taking some slots, or you haven't yet decided whether you'll be joining us this fall, let this be a call to arms. Or perhaps more accurately, a call to knees.
Please visit and take a shift or two the last week in September.
Additionally, the vigil will open on Wednesday, September 24 with a candlelight vigil. Please bring your own candles.
And please, continue to pray for the success of 40 Days for Life and--most importantly--an end to this hidden holocaust.
God Bless,
The 40 Days for Life Team
Saturday, September 13, 2008
40 Days for Life Kickoff Features Vibrant Music, Powerful Speakers

Despite ugly weather, the pavilion at Reindahl Park on the East Side was packed with pro-lifers eager to share food, fun and fellowship before this fall's vigil begins on September 24. Jack Koczela got the day started with an hour of praise and worship music as the crowd gathered. Koczela was followed by nationally renowned Christian recording artist Aaron Thompson, whose rousing set ramped up the festivities.
After lunch, Jane Frantz of Silent No More gave a powerful testimony on her road to recovery as a post-abortive woman. Eighteen years after undergoing an abortion, Frantz's direct encounter with the Holy Spirit led her to seek healing. Not just for herself, but for post-abortive women across the nation.
Photojournalist Michael Clancy delivered the keynote address. His emotional talk described his upbringing in an abusive household, his conversion to Christianity, and--just three months after his conversion--the picture he took that changed the world.
While photographing a groundbreaking in utero surgery in 1999, Clancy captured the hand of Samuel Armas reaching out of his mother's womb and grasping the doctor's finger. The controversial photograph was published around the world, leading to speculation that Clancy might win the Pulitzer Prize.
However, over the last decade, that spectacular image has proven to be a tremendous cross for Clancy to bear. The doctor who performed the surgery later claimed the picture was staged, calling it a "hoax." Clancy lost credibility among his peers.
Though the photograph has been a cross, it's one borne with love and with purpose. The previously pro-choice Clancy became an ardent pro-life activist, even though it meant losing his primary source of income when the Nashville Tennessean newspaper declined to hire him for future assignments. He hasn't been contracted to work as a newspaper photographer for years.
Clancy's work with the pro-life movement led him to the Capitol, where he testified before the Senate, and the White House, where he was present for the signing of the 2003 partial-birth abortion ban. Though he joked about the surprise of seeing "White House" on his caller ID, the pain in Clancy's heart was difficult to miss. His watery eyes and occasionally cracking voice betrayed the pain he carried. Here was a man who sacrificed his career, his passion, his disdain for public speaking and hopes for a normal life because God called him to stand up for the pre-born.
And stand up he has. Not a Christian a just a decade ago, Clancy has spent the last nine years doing the Lord's work.
The kickoff event also featured information booths and representatives from numerous pro-life organizations, including Pro-Life Wisconsin, CareNet, Pregnancy Help Line of Madison, and Our Lady of Hope clinic.
The rally ended with a somber prayer walk to Planned Parenthood, where the 40 Days for Life vigil will officially begin on September 24. To sign up for hours, visit or call Amy Hying at 608-698-3877.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Christian Recording Artist Aaron Thompson Joins 40 Days for Life Madison Kickoff Rally!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Reminder: 40 Days for Life Kickoff Rally to be Held on Saturday
Clancy made headlines in 1999 when he photographed a groundbreaking in utero spina bifida surgery on a baby, just 21 weeks past conception. The picture clearly depicts Samuel Armas’s fully formed hand extending out of his mother’s womb, a startling reminder of the humanity of pre-born life.
The moment so stunningly captured in the photograph proved to be a turning point in Clancy’s life. In an interview with National Right to Life News, he said “Before the picture, I felt that as a man I could never be pregnant and alone, so it wasn't for me to decide whether abortion was right or wrong. I was indifferent.”
The photograph, which Clancy calls the “earliest human interaction ever recorded,” spurred a dramatic change of heart. The photographer could no longer remain indifferent regarding abortion.
“As a journalist my job is to expose injustice and hope that that exposure will initiate social change,” Clancy wrote. “I have supported what I feel is a God-given mission to deliver the message [that] the in utero child is a reactive human…by continuing to freelance as a photojournalist.”
Clancy’s activism helped pass the 2003 law that banned partial birth abortion. The photograph was displayed on the Senate floor while the law was debated, and he was invited to the White House for its signing. Nevertheless, Clancy has faced his share of persecution for his efforts. Early last year the Tennessean newspaper, which had been Clancy’s main source of income as a freelance photographer for nearly a decade, informed him that the paper would no longer contract his services because he was openly pro-life.
Clancy’s photograph can be viewed at his personal Web site,
The 40 Days for Life Madison Kickoff Rally will feature music, a children’s bounce house and booths from pro-life organizations at 10:00. A free lunch will be served from 11:30 to 12:30. At 12:30, Jane Frantz of Silent No More Wisconsin is set to deliver testimony of her healing process as a post-abortive woman. She will be followed by Clancy. The rally will end with a solemn, prayerful march to Planned Parenthood, where participants can continue to pray for an end to abortion.
The 40 Days for Life vigil officially begins September 24 and runs through November 2. For details on participating or volunteering, visit or call Amy Hying at 608-698-3877.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
40 Days for Life Kickoff Rally to be Held September 13!
The kickoff will feature musical entertainment, free food, and pro-life speakers. Photojournalist and pro-life activist Michael Clancy will highlight the event with a 1:00 p.m. keynote address.
Clancy gained national fame in 1999 when he photographed an in utero surgery on Samuel Armas, just 21 weeks after conception. The photographs clearly show the pre-born child's fully-formed hand extended out of his mother's womb—a startling proof of the humanity of pre-born life.
Clancy will also be available to speak free of charge on Friday, September 12. Email if you know of any organization that would like to hear his life-affirming message. We look forward to seeing you at the kickoff and praying together this fall!
You can view the vigil hours that need coverage. (You may have already committed for some vigil hours, but may see that the hours are still in need of coverage.... that only means that we are waiting for a second prayer partner to sign up with you.)
Monday, August 25, 2008
40 Days for Life Campaign Coming to 170+ Cities in US and Canada this Fall
WASHINGTON, Aug. 25 /Christian Newswire/ -- "We may be on the verge of a turning point in the battle against abortion," said David Bereit, national campaign director of 40 Days for Life. "Response to our call for communities to participate in this fall's 40 Days for Life campaign has exceeded our wildest expectations." More than 170 cities will take part in this effort from September 24 through November 2.
The community-based 40 Days for Life campaign features 40 days of prayer and fasting, round-the-clock peaceful vigil outside an abortion facility and grassroots educational outreach. Simultaneous campaigns will be conducted coast-to-coast – and internationally – as part of a unified outreach in some 170 communities. In a number of those communities, peaceful vigils will be conducted at multiple abortion locations.
"We're especially pleased to see three Canadian cities joining 40 Days for Life this fall," said Bereit, noting that campaigns will be conducted in Toronto, Ottawa and Halifax. "As there will also be a campaign in Washington, D.C., this means that 40 Days for Life will have a presence in the capitals of two nations. We firmly believe
that this campaign of prayer and fasting will have a profound impact."
In all, 40 Days for Life events are taking place in 45 states, the District of Columbia and two Canadian provinces. The list of participating cities is online at
"The spread of 40 Days for Life is amazing," said Bereit. "The growth of this outreach is a reflection of the excitement that people are expressing about the many ways 40 Days for Life impacts a community. This program is being embraced by cities conducting their first 40 Days for Life and those who are planning their second, third, or – in the case of Bryan/College Station, Texas – fourth campaign."
Bereit noted that more than 75 of the 40 Days for Life prayer vigils will be held outside of Planned Parenthood facilities. "Planned Parenthood is a special concern because it is the nation's largest abortion provider," said Bereit. Planned Parenthood's latest annual report shows some 290,000 abortions performed in a single year – almost one fourth of the total number for the entire United States.
"This fall marks a critical time for our country and our culture, and this heartfelt effort to pray and fast for an end to abortion is crucial with regards to our future and what sort of nation we wish to become," said Bereit. "We hope to share the truth about what abortion does to every community where it is practiced, and to make this fall the beginning of the end of abortion in America."
40 Days for Life Madison Web Site Goes Live
Visit for your one-stop shop for information on this fall's prayer vigil.
Click here for a complete 40 Days for Life schedule, including information on organizational meetings, events, and the hours that need to be filled.
"Truly children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward" -- Psalm 127:3
Saturday, August 23, 2008
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
The pro-abortion lobby uses a lot of deliberately misleading and cleverly crafted language to justify killing the unborn. Which should come as no surprise. Movements that kill a lot of people always use dehumanizing language to conceal the fact that they engage in murder.
But if the old adage is true, and a picture is worth a thousand words, the lies and deceit of the abortion crowd is bound to fail. Check out the following link to see a famous 1999 photograph of Samuel, who was operated on to treat spina Bifida at just 21 weeks in utero.
Monday, August 18, 2008
40 Days for Life at the Madison Diocese Family Picnic
If you'd like 40 Days for Life to have a booth at your church's summer festival, let us know. If you get us in, we'll staff the booth!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
From Conception to Natural Death
The culture of death is sneaky. Its agenda often advances through dubious court rulings or obscure policy changes. Anti-life laws are often enacted before the faithful have time to react. As such, we want to inform you of critical developments in the State of Washington, where our brothers and sisters--like our pre-born brothers and sisters--are in desperate need of our prayers.
In November, the State of Washington will vote whether to legalize physician-assisted suicide. If the measure passes, doctors would be allowed to legally prescribe deadly drugs to ill patients with the sole purpose of killing them.
The list of reasons to oppose this initiative is seemingly endless. However, numerous aspects of the proposed law are particularly troubling:
- Physicians would be allowed to encourage patients to end their lives.
- Government and private health insurance providers would have incentive to pay for suicide drugs rather than more expensive palliative and therapeutic drugs. In fact, this has occurred in Oregon, the only state with legal physician-assisted suicide. Cancer patient Barbara Wagner received a letter from the Oregon Health Plan informing her that a drug that could extend her life is not covered by the state-funded insurance plan. However, the letter did inform her that the state would pay for her to commit suicide.
- Patients suffering from depression and mental illness would not be required to undergo counseling before committing physician-assisted suicide.
- Requests for the fatal drugs would not need to be made in person. Instead, they could be phoned in, picked up, and administered by an acquaintance of the patient.
Like every other movement in the culture of death, this initiative is driven by lies. Official death certificates would not list suicide as the cause of death. Instead, the patient's initial diagnosis would be listed.
Jessica Skelton, an attorney and proponent of the initiative said the term is "politicized language" that "implies a value judgment and carries with it a social stigma."
It also happens to be an accurate description. And so, when telling the truth impedes the eugenicist goals of this country's death profiteers, they did what they always do: change the meaning of words.
It's worth noting that the Netherlands, which became the world's first country to legalize physician-assisted suicide more than a quarter century ago, has moved on to euthanasia. More than 1,000 patients each year are killed by their doctors without any input in the decision.
Let us pray for a renewed respect for life, not just in the Madison area and not just for the preborn, but for all human beings around the world.I call Heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live...
-Deuteronomy 30:19
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
And the Truth Shall Set You Free...
South Dakota's new Abortion Informed Consent Law requires abortionists to inform mothers in writing that abortion "terminate[s] the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being." The law took effect last month when it was upheld by the US Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Planned Parenthood's response: Close up shop. No abortions have taken place in South Dakota since the court's decision.
This, of course, is great news for Christians everywhere. America is blessed to finally have a state free of the legalized slaughter of children--even before Roe vs. Wade is repealed. The Prince of Lies has been exposed.
The tremendous victory in South Dakota is also great news for women--particularly mothers who might have considered abortion. By the mandate of law, they will hear the truth. And the truth shall set them free.
For more information, see LifeNews.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
40 Days for Life 2008 Organizational Meeting

Madison-area Christians will join Christian communities around the country again this fall to partake in a 40-day, around-the-clock prayer vigil outside Planned Parenthood.
Madison’s 40 Days for Life is seeking volunteers and participants interested in helping bring an end to abortion. Participants sign up for shifts of one to four hours. They can sign up for a single time or on a weekly basis, fasting and peacefully praying outside Planned Parenthood. The 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week prayer vigil begins September 24th and runs through November 2nd.
Last year’s 40 Days for Life participants reported many moving experiences.
“I had two young Ladies approach and say, ‘I want to know where I can obtain an adoption,’” said Don, who partook in last year’s vigil. “They change[d] their minds [about getting an abortion] because they had supporters. Someone who [could] help them do what was right.”
Kathy, another vigil participant, said 40 Days for Life is an important way to provide a voice for the voiceless.
“What is amazing to me is to see so many people who have come forward to participate in this worthwhile cause,” she said. It is encouraging to see the dedication and love that we share for life and for the unborn babies. We are their voices and we have to say no to the culture of death. Praise be to God!”
An organizational meeting for 40 Days for Life-Madison will take place Monday, June 2 at 6:00 p.m. at the House of Prayer in Madison, near the East Towne Mall. The address is 1714 Eagan Road. For further information, contact Amy Hying at or (608) 698-3877.
The meeting will feature beingHUMAN, a documentary that explains the 40 Days for Life vigil. The video can also be viewed at
With the beginning of the vigil just four months away, volunteers are needed to fill the following positions:
• Prayer Coordinator: responsible for encouraging the Body of Christ to pray and fast before and during the 40 Days for Life campaign.
• Vigil Coordinator: keeps a list of all vigil volunteers, maintains schedules, and manages substitute lists to ensure a constant, peaceful presence at Planned Parenthood.
• Outreach Coordinator: directs a door-to-door petition, education drive and other community outreach activities.
• Event Coordinator: helps plan and organize the Kickoff Rally, Halfway Rally, and Victory Celebration events.
• Church Coordinator: responsible for inviting local churches’ participation and maintaining ongoing communication with church leaders.
• Communications Coordinator: Communicates with participants through email messages and blog updates and handles media relations.
Last year’s 40 Days for Life was a monumental success, spanning 33 states, 89 cities, and featuring participation from 150,000 Christians. Nationally, 40 Days for Life reports that in the past year, one abortion clinic has closed its doors, and two more Planned Parenthood facilities have ceased performing abortions.
Furthermore, during last fall’s national campaign, the Holy Spirit led hundreds of mothers to choose life, saving at least 500 babies’ lives. Many of the would-be victims have now been born safely into families with a newly found appreciation for the gift of human life.
Bundles of joy indeed! As Kathy said, “Praise be to God!”